Weekly Letter 25 - 22nd March 2024


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Greetings from Currie Kirk - 22.03.2024


A message from our Interim Moderator Rev Dr Anne Logan:




Springtime in the garden! It is one of the loveliest seasons. As the weather warms, all kinds of bulbs and plants poke through the earth and the trees and shrubs come into bud. But springtime also brings with it a host of garden tasks and duties, flower beds to be tidied, veg beds to be prepared, tools and equipment to be checked over and serviced……and so it goes on. But we know, there is no way to a beautiful garden without a bit of work and effort (sometimes quite a lot of work and effort!) We also know that there is no way to a beautiful garden without God’s amazing gifts of sunshine, warmth and rain.


One of my colleagues recently posted a wee diatribe on the Facebook page of a well- known supermarket, because their advert read ‘Easter is here!’ Easter is not here, of course, that was my colleague’s point. We still have Holy Week to work our way through. Just as you can’t enjoy a wonderful garden without the work beforehand, we can’t truly enjoy Easter without the hard work, indeed the suffering and pain of Holy Week. Easter is only truly joyful when we understand it as the triumph over all that went before.

Palm Sunday with all its celebration approaches, but we also now prepare to follow Jesus into the darkness of Holy Week.


When the days drew near for him to be taken up, he set his face to go to Jerusalem. Luke 9 51. 












24th March—Palm Sunday—Currie Kirk, 10.30am—Rev Anne Logan
Easter Services
Maundy Thursday—7pm—Currie Kirk
Good Friday—11am—Walk of Witness from Balerno Parish Church to Currie Kirk.
Good Friday—7pm—Balerno Parish Church
Easter morning—9am—Short family outdoor service—Currie Kirk
Easter morning—10.30am—Communion at Currie Kirk






Choir for Easter

Choir practice is on today after the service.


Guild Daffodil Tea

Guild Daffodil Tea—Saturday 23rd March, 2—4pm. Tickets cost £4, available from the Guild committee. Donations for tombola and books for sale will be most welcome.


Shoebox Appeal

March—we’re collecting hats, scarves, gloves and snoods. If  you’d like to donate please leave in the box in the coffee area or hand in to the Kirk office. Thank you.


Heriot Watt Chamber Choir, Currie Kirk, 23rd March, 7.30pm.

The Chamber Choir of the Heriot Watt University will be performing in Currie Kirk on 23rd March. The concert starts at 7.30 pm and ends at 8.30pm.


Kirk Session Meeting

Reminder to the Kirk Session there is an additional extraordinary meeting TODAY, FRIDAY 22ND March.








Our mailing address is:

Contact Email: admin@curriekirk.co.uk
Phone: 0131 451 5141
Charity No. SC001554



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